
Fear is the most debilitating factor to success. It is like a cancer whose only goal is to destroy the motivation of the individual. For some, fear is terribly difficult to overcome, but the experience of failure is the only solution. As an aspiring entrepreneur one must understand that failure is success, that not everything tried will have a positive outcome, that those outcomes are the building blocks to success.

What is success? Success is experience. It is taking a series of obstacles and overcoming their burden, it’s taking that burden and making it your point of attack, it is achieving victory over that burden no matter how many times you fall. The path to success is never a straight line, it is filled with curves, mountains, and thick forests, navigation is nearly impossible without the will to push forward. Sometimes it takes a village, and that village should be filled with those who inspire and enrich the experience, not tear it down with pessimistic platitudes. Those who help each other and are willing to pursue each other’s goals while traveling towards their own will be rewarded with lifetime friends and companions. Those who want to experience success follow those who are successful. This removes the shroud of fear and illuminates a light to travel towards the goal.

I was very fortunate to have met a very inspirational successful person while on my journey to success. Yusuf Chowdhury inspired me to “Take the bull by the horns”. His advice has been priceless as his words helped me overcome my fears of the unknown. The path of entrepreneurial success is filled with unknowns and obstacles that evoke fear upon their arrival. He said to me “Donald what are you waiting for dude, it’s yours, to have all you have to do is grab it” From that day I have never looked back.

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