Last Modified Jan 27, 2020 @ 10:54 PM

While researching changes in Content Marketing strategies, I came across an article about reposting articles in one’s own blog. I read it thoroughly as this is a question I am asked from time to time from my clients. The short answer is yes, but only if you have permission from the author. And once you do repost that content, be sure to use the Canonical URL Tag.

What is a Canonical Tag?

A canonical tag tells search engines where a piece of content originated from. This will prevent duplication penalties from Google and other search engines. Use this when you are syndicating content from one site to another or if you are posting content from someone else's site to your own.

Below is an example of a canonical tag:

<link rel="canonical" href=""/>

What If I Cannot Get Permission To Use Someone Else's Blog Content?

Duplicate content is a serious issue when it comes to Google, and so is plagiarism when it comes to US Copyright laws. So, if you cannot get permission to use the article in question, do not repost. Fresh, relevant content is always best to rank on the major search engines such as Google anyway. So, write your own article based on the information you have found. Make sure you write it in your own words and give credit for the information that was valuable, and for what you have gained from the content? Make sure you link to it in your content pieces you have created that was inspired from that content. For example, the author of The Dos And Don’ts Of Reposting Articles In Your Blog inspired me to write on this topic. I am now giving credit where it is due!

Use Block Quotes

If a piece of content is especially good and you want to use it in your post, don’t forget about the block quote feature. Tyree Nelson makes some great points in her post so I want to directly quote that content in my own. Here is an example of a block quote…

Make it obvious that you are directly quoting by using the blockquote feature in your blog, or indenting and italicizing the content, or both.

Coming up with fresh content can be difficult when trying to populate a blog regularly. There are however some great posts out there you can take inspiration from. By doing so you give the author those valuable backlinks that people are searching for. In return for producing valuable content backlinks maybe rewarded to you for the efforts put into proper content curation.

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